Sic Parvis Magna – “Great Things From Small Things”

You are currently viewing Sic Parvis Magna – “Great Things From Small Things”

‘Sic Parvis Magna’.  This is a Latin phrase that when translated means “Great Things From Small Things”.  This is the perfect way to view training for endurance sports.  If you want to achieve great things, in sports like triathlon, then it is necessary to consistently do lots of small things, day in and day out. 

Lots of athletes want, and look for, quick fixes to help them achieve their goals. The truth is, that in endurance sports, success is typically achieved after months, even years of consistent training.  There really are no short cuts.

On my own particular triathlon journey, I was quite successful early on.  As the years have passed however, I have come to realize, that I am achieving more and more each year. This is despite my advancing age.  I have built up a really significant base of fitness, that provides a solid foundation for my training.  That base has taken a long time to build, and a small injury, like the one I have now, will not result in a major loss of fitness.

I spent quite a lot of time today, figuring what ‘small things’, I will focus on in the coming months of “Off Season”.  Not all of them involve swimming, cycling or running.  What ‘small things’ will you consistently do over the winter?

Remember … ‘Sic Parvis Magna’ !!!

More to come on this subject…