With only four days to go until my race, I am happy to say, that my knee continues to improve. My coach and I decided to do a short test ride on the trainer today, to see how my knee would perform.
The ride was simple. A total of 45 minutes, with three intervals where I would push high power for ninety seconds. This was similar to the ride that I did on Monday, but this time I would do an extra interval. Also because the ride was on the trainer, the intervals would be more consistent (no downhills where power eases off a little), which makes them tougher.
You can tell from the photograph, that I was able to successfully complete all three intervals. My power was also good, as I achieved my third highest, one minute power of the year. Even better was the fact that I did not feel any pain in my knee during the ride. Assuming I don’t have a reaction overnight, I am good to go for the race.
Tomorrow is packing day. It’s time to break out my trusty checklist and make sure I have everything I need for the trip to Geneva, NY.