Scouting Out Locations for Aid Stations

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With my knee still not fully recovered, I was unable to do my scheduled long run this morning.  Instead, I decided to use the time, to do some more preparation work for my upcoming challenge.

My upcoming challenge is an endurance event, but one that I will do alone.  It is going to be quite involved, so I am lucky to have the support of my wife, who will be helping me out.  Together we spent a couple of hours this morning, scouting out  locations, where she could meet me along my route.  I am not going to be able to achieve my goal, without getting aid along the way.

It was a beautiful morning and the fall foliage is about as good as it is going to get.   The colors this year have been amazing.  Together, we were able to find a good number of possible ‘aid station’ locations, along my planned route.   I took a photographs at each location, to help us remember them all.

The good news is that I am making progress with my knee.  I don’t want to risk running on it yet, but this afternoon, I was able to successfully complete a short ride on my bike.  Fingers crossed that all is good in the morning, after this workout today.

I do feel like everything is coming together.  My knee is getting better. I feel rested and strong.  I have the route and aid stations figured out.  Finally, the weather forecast remains quite good. 

Not long now, before I hopefully get to achieve something really cool, in a year that has been quite challenging!