Saved By A Runner’s High

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I had a good swim at the lake this evening.  It was long, and included lots of hard intervals, but I had the lake almost to myself and the weather was perfect.  The thing is, I almost didn’t leave home for this swim…

Early this morning, before work, I had a tempo run session, that comprised of a 20 minute warm up, 30 minutes of hard tempo running and a 10 minute cool down.  I ran out of  my neighborhood to the local High School, so I could do the tempo interval on relatively flat ground.

The twenty minute warm up run was miserable.  I felt tired and mentally drained.  A thousand thoughts went through my mind..

  • Why am I doing all this training, when I don’t even have a race until next spring?
  • Why am I being so selfish, spending hours away from my family to train?
  • Why don’t I do the right thing, and finish all those jobs and chores that need doing around the house?
  • Why am I always eating at strange times of the day?  Shouldn’t I eat dinner at a normal time and eat it with my wife?  Why do I always make her wait to eat with me after I train?
  • Am I getting too old for all this?
  • Do I really have to drive all the way to the lake for a miserable swim tonight?

Honestly, I was very emotional and almost in tears. I was close to just quitting.

Then my watch pinged at me; it was time to start the tempo interval, and like a robot, that is what I did.   Now my thoughts switched to “this sucks”.  Years of run experience however, told me that tempo running often sucks for a short while, until you get into a steady state rhythm.

I still had many thoughts racing through my mind as I pushed through the tempo interval. Gradually, I started to feel better.  Within a minute or two of starting to feel better, I realized I was getting a ‘runner’s high’.  This is a real effect, caused by your body being stimulated through the release of endorphins and endocannabinoids.  These are chemicals that your body produces and they literally induce a feeling of being ‘high’.  As I continued to run, I could almost feel the blood coursing through my veins.  It was exhilarating.

I rarely get a runner’s high, during a run.  When it happens, it’s usually just after I finish my run.  I think it was almost fate, that gave me the high, during my run today.  It happened when I most needed it, and it completely snapped me out of my funk.  I finished the run happy, had a great day, and as mentioned above, I went to lake and swam.

My motivation to workout, and finish this huge training block, is back.  It was definitely ‘saved by a runner’s high’.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jim K

    I’m glad you shared that list of doubts and guilts that you felt. I’ve been thinking the same things. I’ve never figured out the right balance between personal fitness goals and other life goals. But there’s nothing special about the fitness/triathlon goals we have; if you were doing wood-working or active on a community board, you’d be asking the same things–what’s the point? My answer to that question is different every day! For you, today, the point was to make you happy.

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