Running The Indianapolis Marathon Is Touch And Go

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A week ago, I wrote a blog post, about my need to stop running to get over a niggling injury.  The good news is, that my niggle is now fully healed.  The bad news is, that I now have a second injury. This second injury means that my participation in Saturday’s Indianapolis Marathon, is now touch and go.

While resting my other injury last week, I decided to do a couple of projects in our yard.  Performing these projects did not impact the niggling injury that I had, so I didn’t think they would be an issue.  Unfortunately, I did not foresee, that by doing those projects, I would get a second, entirely separate injury.

Doing the projects, I injured the Achilles tendon on my right ankle.  The injury has been very sore, and up until yesterday, it was difficult just to walk.  I have been frantically icing and resting the injured ankle.  I am trying to get it healed enough to run on Saturday.

Today it felt a little better, so I started doing some physical therapy exercises.  These include the eccentric heel raises pictured above.  The exercises do seem to be helping a little.

Tomorrow I will need to decide if I will run on Saturday or not.  I will do a small test run, to check out how the Achilles reacts.  I have had Achilles issues before, and sometimes, the pain goes away once the tendon gets warmed up during a run. 

Until I do that run tomorrow, I have no idea about running the marathon.  It is definitely touch and go right now.