Running Is My Happy Place

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I am late writing my blog today.  It has been a long and productive day, however. 

The weather finally turned really nice, so I could get back to painting my deck.  We made huge progress on this tedious job today.  My wife and I spent a solid eight hours painting, and by the time we finished, it was early evening.

My original workout schedule for today, was two and a half hours of running and cycling. Finishing the painting so late however, meant I decided to switch my weekend around again.  This meant I had a 75 minute, relaxed endurance run, to do this evening.

It might sound horrible to think of running after working on the deck for eight solid hours, but the truth is, I couldn’t wait to go out and run.  For me, relaxed, endurance runs are exactly that… relaxing. Even with this evening’s heat and humidity, I had a great run.

This past week, something has clicked with my running.  I finally feel strong again and my ‘relaxed pace’ this week, has been relatively quite quick for me.  I could tell I was having a good run today, because I barely looked at my watch.  I ran totally by feel; I felt smooth going up hills and very relaxed and fast going down them. 

The whole run was so much fun, I found myself smiling and enjoying my surroundings … running, really is my happy place right now.