Registered For The Indianapolis Monumental Marathon

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My next run race will be the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon.  I have now officially registered for the event, which takes place on November 5th.

I haven’t run an open marathon since I did the Marine Corps Marathon in 2019.  That race took place in a torrential downpour, which hindered my hopes of a marathon PR.  My open marathon PR is 3:34:18, which I ran back in 2017 at the Glass City Marathon in Toledo.  Five years later, beating that PR is going to take a huge effort, but I am going to try.

One advantage I will have this time around, is carbon plated run shoes.  These were not available in 2017, but are commonplace today at large marathon events today.  At issue for me is, will I be able to run in them for a whole marathon?  I am not sure and I know some people who find them hard to manage over 26.2 miles. I am going to have to feel this out, as I train for the race.

I have heard great things about the Monumental Marathon.  I know many people who have run it and all have enjoyed it.  I am not so sure running a fast marathon is ‘enjoyable’, but I am really looking forward to the race.