Racing With Professionals Is Part Of Our Sport

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One of the great features of triathlon, is that you get the opportunity of racing with professionals.  There are some races, where professional triathletes are racing at the same time, and on the same course, as mortals like myself.  I will get that opportunity at Oceanside in April.

I checked the professional entry list for Oceanside toady and it is amazing.  It includes an Olympic Gold medalist, a multiple Ironman World Champion and multiple Ironman 70.3 World Champions. I can’t count the number of race wins between all of the remaining entrants, but it is a lot.

Once on the course, I am unfortunately unlikely to see them racing.  I may, and it’s a big may, see one or two finishing the run, if I have an exceptionally fast swim and bike. I will however get to see them all start.  They will start from the same beach as I will, just a little earlier than us age-group athletes.

I have done other events where I was racing with professionals and where I did see them.  At Ironman Wisconsin, I had a whole bunch of them go flying by me on the bike.  At Ironman Chattanooga last year, I was overtaken on my first run loop, by several female professionals finishing their second loop.  I also saw several professionals in my first Ironman in Louisville.

I am looking forward to racing in Oceanside.  I’ll just have to wait until after I finish my race, to find out which of the amazing professionals won their race.