Racing Against The Rain…

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… and failing!!

Two workouts for me today. This morning, I did a 90 minutes Zone 1- Zone 2 ride on the bike trainer.  The ride itself was uneventful, but I had a lot of fun chatting with my C26 teammates using Discord.

My second workout of the day, was an easy pace 35 minute run.  Our daughter also had a 30 minute run today, so we agreed we would do it together, this evening.

Well, at about 3.00pm, I got a notification on my phone about a “Thunderstorm Warning”.  A quick view of the weather radar on my computer revealed, that if we wanted to run outside, we needed to do so immediately.  We decided to go for it… and we almost made it.

It was dry when we started running.  We could however, hear the rumbling of thunder in the distance.  It stayed that way for most of the run, but with ten minutes left it started to rain.  We have no issues running in the rain, but then, …. a huge flash of lightning!!!

Luckily, judging by the accompanying thunder, it was several miles away and a few minutes later our runs were over.  I grabbed a couple of towels out of the back of my car and we jumped inside.  We were wet, but we were both very happy…