Polarized Training

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My training regimen is based on the “Polarized Training” approach.  Easy workouts should be very easy and hard workouts should be very hard.

If you look closely at today’s photo, you will see dozens of sweat droplets on the concrete floor and rubber mat.  From this, you can deduce that today was not an easy day.

My bike session today was hard and I worked very hard.  So hard in fact, that I achieved my second best average power ever for a 90 minute period, and my third best for a 60 minute period.  Part of this is that I continue to get stronger over time, but it’s also from fueling well and because today was just a good day.  I just felt really strong today.

I am a huge believer in polarized training.  There is a lot of science that shows it is the key to improvement in endurance sports.  Even with all this knowledge however, many triathletes continue to blur the lines of polarization; they go too hard on easy days and not hard enough on hard days.  I thinks a lot of this has to do with an obsession with data and with the desire to post workouts on the internet.  Nobody wants to post about their slow two hour bike ride, or their slow one hour run.

I’d like to change this and help people improve their approach (except those athletes in my age group… LOL).  I think I am going to start posting more of my easy day workouts and fewer of my “beat yesterday” workouts.

Who’s with me on the polarized training journey?

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.