Playing Catch-up With My Chores Now That I Have More Time

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With my big race only a week away, the volume of training that I am doing has decreased significantly.  With more time on my hands, I have been playing catch-up with a lot of chores.

When training for Ironman races reaches its peak, I spend a lot of time completing workouts.  When you factor in the time getting ready to workout, like driving to the pool, then there is not a lot of time left for other things.  The things that tend to get ignored by me, are items associated with maintaining our house.

So today, when I had a complete day without any training, I took the opportunity to get some of those chores completed.  It was an absolutely fantastic day weather-wise, so it made sense to work outside.  With the help of my wife, I finally got around to patching a number of bare spots in our lawn.

The next few days are also light on training, but I doubt I will spend more time playing catch-up.  My focus now, will be on the race and getting everything ready for the the trip to Chattanooga.  It is time to start packing all my gear for the race, which is no mean feat.  I always over pack, tending to take things to cover all eventualities.

My excitement to race is starting to build… not long now.