Peer Pressure Challenges

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Earlier today I made the mistake of scrolling through my Facebook feed.  That’s when I saw them…

In my feed I had invitations to four new ‘events’, hosted by the local running club.  Each of the invites was for a separate ’30 Day Challenge’.  There was one each for Push-ups, Squats, Burpees and Core Work.  

I guess a full week of working from home must finally have made me crack … I signed up for all four events.  I think I signed up because I looked at the first few days, and thought to myself … I can do that.  I should have looked at Day 30!!

The truth is that, I am not good at motivating myself to do strength training.  I have been doing some strength and flexibility work lately, but nothing on a consistent, day to day basis.  I am hoping that my running friends can keep me accountable, and that I will stick to it this time around.  Once I make things a habit, I am usually OK.  It’s starting the habit, that I struggle with.

Day 1 consisted of the following:    Push-up Sets –  2 / 2 / 4 / 4;   Squat Sets –  10 / 6 / 6;   Burpees :  2;    Core Work – 6 push-ups, 15″ plank and 10 plank reaches each side.

I got it all done after my bike session tonight.  Now I just need you all to hold me accountable…


Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Joe Z

    Good work Phil! Look forward to following along on your challenges

    1. philjonestriathlon

      Thanks Joe …. It is going to be interesting 🙂

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