Packing Gear For SwimRun Is So Much Easier Than Triathlon

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I have packed all of my race gear for SwimRun NC ahead of our travel day tomorrow.  Packing for a swimrun race, is so much easier than for a triathlon.

Everything I need for the race, except one item, is in the above photo.  The only thing missing from the photo are my trails shoes.  They were outside in the sunshine, drying after I cleaned them this morning.  The race directors will give me a swim cap and a bib to wear, and that will be the only other things I need.

I was able to pack everything into a small duffel bag, and still have room for a couple of pair of shoes, from our regular luggage.  It seems like such a small number of things to take, especially compared to what I normally need to pack for triathlons.  It is so few items, that I am paranoid I am forgetting something.  I shared my packing list with my teammate to make sure, and she said it looks okay.

Getting ready for this race feels different, and it’s not just the fact that I need less gear for swimrun.  It is the fact that I have zero expectations going into the race, except to have fun and hopefully beat the cut-off times.  I normally put pressure on myself for races and usually start to feel a little anxious, a day or two our from race day.  That is not happening this time and it feels so good.