One Of Those Days

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When you are a triathlete in training, not every day is a good one.  Today was a hard one for me.

My day started early when I woke up at 2.00 am.  My legs were a little sore from two days of hard bike workouts.  More concerning however, was a dull pain in my foot.  The pain was right where my stress fracture had occurred and it felt very familiar.  I rolled over and went back to sleep, hoping it would go away.

I woke up again at 4.00 am; foot pain was still there. I managed to get some more sleep, but when I finally woke up for the day, I realized that my foot was not right.   I was supposed to run today, and so began the mental games of … should I run or not.

The obviously answer is not to run, and I eventually made that wise choice.   It was a tough choice however.  So many times in the past, I have felt small niggling injuries and just kept training.  More often that not, those niggles just go away.  This time however, I’m dealing with recovery from a true injury, not a niggle.  It was time to be smart … I chose not to run.

The fact that I couldn’t do a simple 35 minute run, played on my mind, all day.  I came to triathlon from running and I love running.  Not being able to run is draining. I did eventually pull myself together enough, to go for a short bike ride.  It helped, but it still didn’t take my mind completely away from running.

It’s late. I’m tired. It’s time to go to sleep.  Sleeping helps and usually tomorrow ends up being much better.  Today was just ‘One Of Those Days’ … 

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.