One More Day Without Swimming Won’t Hurt Me

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As I mentioned in this blog post a day or so ago, I have been dealing with a case of pink-eye.  This has stopped me from doing any kind of swim workout.  This morning my eye felt like it was good, but I decided to give it one more day, before heading back to the pool.

I could probably have gone swimming today.  I didn’t want to risk re-aggravating my eye however, so I chose not to go.  Just like most injuries, I am far better off waiting one more day, than rushing back.  Coming back too early from an injury and suffering a setback isn’t worth it.  One day without training is nothing in the scheme of things.

I have a swim session on my schedule for tomorrow, so I will wait until then before getting back in the pool.  I am excited to get back in the water. My swim sessions have been both enjoyable and fruitful lately.