One Last Structured Workout Before A Break

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Starting tomorrow, I will be having a break from structured workouts for a few days.  I will be relaxing over Christmas and will only do some easy effort exercise.  I will be spending some quality time with my family.

Before that break however, I had one last structured workout.  This was a 40 minute, easy paced run, that included four, thirty second sprints on one minute’s rest.  This is not a particularly hard workout, but it is one where I get to stretch out my legs with some speed work.

Once again, I went to the local park to do my run.  This time, there was very little snow on the ground and the weather was a little warmer. I had a great run and managed some good speed on those sprints.  What is amazing to me however, is that my sprinting speed, is race speed for elite long course triathletes.  Those guys and girls can obviously fly…

Of course, it doesn’t make any sense for me to compare my run speed to the speed of the best in the world.  For starters, I am 20-25 years older than most of them.  The only comparison to make is with myself, so I went back in my training log and checked.  It turns out that my top speed on the sprints today, was the second fastest sprint speed that I did this year.  I am very happy with that comparison!