Older Athletes Need To Lift Weights

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There is a lot of scientific evidence to suggest that as you get older, it is important to include strength training in your weekly routine.  It helps maintain muscle mass and bone density.  It helps improve functional movement and it helps maintain a good body composition.

With that background, I needed to think about starting to lift weights.  I have never lifted weights in my life before; not even when I was a lot younger.  This means that I not only need to start lifting, but I also need to learn how to lift weights correctly.  The potential for injury, through the use of bad form, is quite high when lifting weight

Fortunately, I have the perfect teacher.  My son is a Level 2 Certified Coach and competitive weightlifter.  This also means that we have all the right equipment in our basement.  So this week, I have been learning some basic lifts; deadlift, front squat, back squat, power cleans and bent over barbell rows.

What have I discovered? 

Firstly, I have confirmed that I have some serious mobility issues.  This is particularly so for the front rack shoulder position.  I know I have mobility issues, which is why I have been trying, not very successfully, to do more mobility work.  So this was no surprise.

The second thing I have discovered, which was a surprise, is that I quite like lifting.  I haven’t done much and my weights are really low, but it is fun.  This is exactly what I need; something that is fun is easier to work at.  Also, if I need to lift well, I will also need to get more mobile, so hopefully this will motivate me to do more mobility work too.

I am definitely an older athlete and I definitely need to lift weights.  I am therefore, so happy to discover that lifting can be fun.