No New Year’s Day Run This Year

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I was hoping to kick off the New Year with a decent easy paced run, but my ongoing tendonitis issue, put a halt to that today.  Instead I went for a hike.

My foot injury has been dragging on for two weeks now and even though it is frustrating not to run, I am determined to be patient.  I am a long way from my my next important race, so a few extra days without a run, is not going to be a major issue. Pushing through and making matters worse, could end up being a major issue, so definitely no run today.

With that said, I think if you are smart about it, there is always something you can do to keep moving forward.  Today, that something, was a short hike. 

The weather, while cold, was really quite nice, so my wife and I went to the park for a hike.  I think I have mentioned before, that a pair of Bald Eagles has recently made our local park their home.  We therefore chose to hike near the eagle’s nest site, hoping to catch a glimpse of the birds.  The park has set up a great viewing area, where it’s possible to see the nest and the eagles from a safe distance.

The nest is huge and apparently, the birds have been adding sticks to it on a daily basis for a couple of weeks now.  Alas today, all we saw was the nest… the eagles were elsewhere at the time of our visit.  

So, no run today and no eagles today.  I did however get some fresh air in my lungs, a little exercise and had a nice time with my wife.  Today was a good day!!


Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.