No More Climbing Waterfalls – It Is Time To Run

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SwimRun NC was a blast, and climbing waterfalls was one of the best parts. That race is now in the past however, and it is time for me to focus on my upcoming ‘A’ race at the Indianapolis Marathon.

I decided to take one more rest day today, so that my legs and feet can recover from the weekend’s race.  I want to be fresh for my interval workout tomorrow.  The next week or so, will be a totally run focused training block, before I start to taper for the race.

It is always a balance, as to when to get back to training after a race.  I normally would not get back to hard workouts within three days of a race, but this time I feel very able to do so.  This likely because the goal at SwimRun NC was only to finish, and not to dig deep for a super fast time.  I was luckily able to view it as a super long aerobic workout. 

Climbing waterfalls was fun and likely much more fun that my upcoming run block.  I have big goals however, so it is time to knuckle down, train hard and get ready for Indy.