New Workout On The Treadmill

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I did another run workout on the treadmill today.  This was actually a run that my coach scheduled as a treadmill run.  It was also a brand new kind of run workout for me.

Coach Robbie, of C26 Triathlon, calls the workout… ‘Treadhills’.   It is a really good description and it goes like this:  

  • Short warm up run at 2% incline on the treadmill.
  • A main set of running, where you settle into a comfortable pace, and then increase the incline on the treadmill by 1%, every few minutes.
  • Keep increasing the incline until you run your last interval at 12%.
  • Cool down run at 2% incline.

I have to say that I really enjoyed it.  This was probably because it was a new kind of workout for me.  It wasn’t enjoyable because it was easy… I can tell you that running up a 12% incline in no joke!   

It’s a fascinating workout, because you get to really elevate your heart rate, but do so without needing to run fast.  I guess this is why it reminded me of the ‘stress tests’ that I have done during annual physicals.  It definitely puts stress on your cardiovascular system. 

Overall the workout made me sweat a lot, but the good news is, it didn’t impact my knee injury.  I felt no pain in my knee, during the whole workout.  I think I am finally putting this issue behind me.  So all in all, a really good day for me. A challenging workout and progress with my injury. 

Yet more running is in the plan for tomorrow …  do you get the feeling I have chosen to prepare for a running challenge, now that I have no more races this year?