New Kit Day

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The FedEx guy delivered my new C26 Triathlon Team kit this afternoon.  It’s a two-piece kit, custom made by Wattie Ink.  I couldn’t wait to finish work and try it out.

Luckily, I had an easy bike ride scheduled, which was perfect for trying out the new gear.  I unpackaged the kit and it looked tiny.  Triathlon clothing tends to look small before you put it on, because the fabrics are typically highly compressive.  They need to be this way, so the kit hugs your body.  A kit that isn’t skin tight, would catch water on the swim and create drag on the bike, which impacts race speed.

I normally wear one piece kits, but decided to get this two-piece version, to wear while training.  If you have ever tried to go to the bathroom half way through a long ride, while wearing a one piece kit, you will know why.  The one piece kits are really hard to put back on when you are sweaty!

I have to say the new kit did not disappoint.  I was a tight fit but it is very comfortable.  The chamois in the shorts worked great on my ride; no saddle discomfort at all.  Finally, the fabric that Wattie Ink uses, does a great job of wicking moisture away from your body.  As that moisture evaporates, you get a very noticeable cooling effect.

These kits are not cheap, but I think they are worth the investment.  Clothing that is both comfortable and cooling, is a big deal on hot summer days like today.