My Winter Training Program Started With A Tough Day

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After a three week vacation in Colorado and a break from triathlon to take part in SwimRun NC, it is time to get back into another training block. My first winter training block began today.

Starting a training block, just two days after a race was tough.  This was particularly so today, because I had three workouts on my schedule.  There were three workouts, because I add in strength work during the winter.

This morning I did a weights session in our basement.  It has been quite a while since I last lifted weights, so focusing on technique was important today.  I did a number of different lifts, including deadlifts, front and back squats, hang cleans and rows.  I didn’t lift particularly heavy weights; I won’t do that until I am comfortable with my technique again.

This afternoon, I did an inverse brick workout.  Twenty minutes of easy running on the treadmill, followed by a hard session on the bike trainer.  The bike session included four hard intervals of six minutes each. Two intervals were done at low cadence and two done at high cadence.  The high cadence work is challenging for me. This is because I typically ride with a relatively low cadence.

I am tired this evening.  Not surprising after a hard day of workouts.  My body can definitely tell that winter training has begun.