My Toughest Day Of Workouts So Far This Year

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One thing that was not tough today, was the weather.  When I ran at lunchtime, it was about 55’F and sunny.  I was able to run in shorts and not feel at all cold.  Apart from a strong wind, it was perfect running weather.

As mentioned in the blog post about starting my Build phase, my workouts are now starting to include some higher intensity work.  The run workout I had today included a total of six, three minute intervals at threshold pace.  This was my first threshold pace run of the year, and it was tough.  It was especially tough, when I was running uphill and into a strong wind.

Those threshold intervals really got my heart pumping, and I was so happy for the one minute recovery walk between them.  Even with those walk breaks however, I still ran my fastest kilometer and fastest mile of the year.  I was pushing hard.

My swim workout this evening was also a hard session.  I swam a total of 3,000 yards.  Almost half of that total distance, was done at a hard and fast pace.  By the end of my session, my arms and shoulders were toast.

Even though days like this are hard, I really enjoy them.  It is very satisfying to feel like you really achieved something worthwhile, as you relax at the end of the day.  The body is tired but the mind is rejuvenated.