My Run This Afternoon Was So Much Better

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Apologies for not writing a blog post yesterday. I was exhausted and chose to get some extra sleep instead of writing for my blog.  I feel so much better today, so I am back on track.

So what happened?   Well, late Friday afternoon, my wife and I went to the pharmacy and got our annual flu shots.  We do this every year, but this year, we also got a Covid booster shot at the same time.  These type of shots do not normally affect me much. I usually have a sore arm for a day or two, but that is usually the only side effect.

Early yesterday, we had our weekly long run with the City of Bridges run club.  I got up early and honestly felt fine. As soon as I started running however, I felt a little tired.  I didn’t worry too much about it, as I thought I would feel better later in the run. Towards the end of my twelve mile run, I did indeed feel a little better, but not as good as I did the week before.

Once we got home, I took a shower and then felt really tired.  I climbed back into bed and before I knew it, I had slept for two hours.  I got up had some lunch and was convinced I would be fine.  After lunch, I sat on the couch for a few minutes.  Two hours later, I woke up again!!

The bottom line was, I was just really tired all day.  It was clearly the shots impacting me, and a twelve mile run, had probably not helped.  I went to bed early last night and that must have done the trick.  I woke up this morning feeling fine.

My run this afternoon, felt so much better. I felt normal again.  I am pleased to have had my shots and also relieved that they are done and out of the way, ahead of my upcoming races. Time to put my head down and train again.  Big week coming up.