My Ride Last Weekend Convinced Me I Needed A New Saddle

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I have written quite a few blog posts about the importance of being comfortable on the bike in long course triathlon.  Thinking about this on my long ride last weekend, I came to the conclusion that my bike fit is quite good.  My butt however, was still hurting too much.  Maybe I needed a new saddle?

I became so convinced that I needed a new saddle, that I took a close look at my existing one. I noticed that the foam on the right hand side at the front, had shifted outwards.  The seat was now asymmetrical and I was barely sitting on any foam.  My decision about getting a new saddle was made.

The big question was… what kind of saddle to get.  I cannot say that I have been 100% comfortable on the two ISM saddles, that I have used over the past year or two.  This is especially the case in the aero position. I didn’t know if this was because they were too narrow or too wide.

In doing my research, I discovered there are dozens of candidate saddles for me.  With only a month left before my big race however, I don’t have a lot of time to experiment.  I therefore decided to go with a saddle that is adjustable by me… the BiSaddle.  This is a fully adjustable saddle, that claims you can dial in a position that will be provide the best comfort you can have.

I like the idea of being able to tweak the shape of the saddle.  I should be able to dial something in before my race and once dialed in, I will know the saddle dimensions that fit me best.  This will be valuable knowledge, when it comes to trying other saddles in the future.

I will put my new saddle on my bike tomorrow.  I then have two long rides this weekend, to see if I can get fully comfortable on my bike.