My Race Report On SwimRun NC Is Published

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I have just published my race report on SwimRun NC.  I really enjoyed the race and I hope that is reflected in my report.  If nothing else, the report contains some fantastic race photos for you to look at.

I write race reports because they allow me to reflect on the event and hopefully learn something for the future.  This race was a little different for me however, because the main expectation I had going in, was to enjoy myself.  The only ‘race’ that my teammate and I had, was against the cut-off clock.  To complete the event, we had to beat a couple of cut-off times.  In the end, we managed to beat those times quite easily.

SwimRun is nothing like triathlon, and I hope my race report reflects that.  In SwimRun, you are not only trying to get from Point A to Point B, but you are also managing your body temperature.  The water for the various swim legs of this race, was by far the coldest water that I have ever had the good fortune to swim in. This meant that it was critical for us to quickly get warm after exiting the water, to avoid hypothermia.  I think as many as seventeen teams failed to finish the race due to the cold forcing them out of the event.

My SwimRun gear is now all packed away into storage.  I am still planning what races to do next year, and I am still not sure if there will be an opportunity to do another SwimRun event.  I certainly hope so, because I don’t plan on SwimRun NC being the last time I tackle this type of race.