My Race Report Is Almost Ready

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There are lots of race reports out there on the internet.  They are a great resource for triathletes, especially if you plan to do a race that you haven’t done before.  One thing I have noticed however, is that very few of them talk about poor races, or parts of races where an athlete struggled. 

You would think that nobody has ‘bad races’.  Well, I can assure you, that we all have ‘bad races’ or parts of races that we would like to forget. I have had several.  The thing is, they are not necessarily just ‘bad races’. They are opportunities to learn.  Once again, I had a ‘bad swim’, during my race this past weekend.  The swim leg has always been my nemesis; I have had some good, even great, swims and also some shockingly bad ones. 

I have discovered that it really helps me to write a race report.  Doing so, after a few days of reflection, helps me honestly evaluate what went well and what didn’t.  This gives me ideas on where I can improve and areas where I can proceed with confidence.  I also find that if I am honest with myself, it is highly motivating.  I usually cannot wait to work on my weaknesses, after writing a report.

I am almost finished writing my race report from last weekend’s race.  I will be sharing all the details.  The things that went well and the things didn’t. 

I also have a few old race reports, that I might dust off and publish too.  I know I have one from probably my worst race, Ironman Ohio 70.3 in 2018.  I think it will be good for me to revisit them again.  I will be reminded of things to focus on and hopefully, you will learn from them too.