My Nutritional Journey

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Way back on December 29th, I wrote about my desire to get lean, based on the book Racing Weight, by Matt Fitzgerald.  Even though I don’t have a race in the foreseeable future, I am really happy about my progress towards my ideal ‘racing weight’, whatever that is.

Right now, I view my ideal ‘racing weight’, more as a balance of eliminating excess body fat, without compromising any endurance strength.  I think the word ‘lean’ describes it perfectly. 

Three months ago, I embarked on a journey to get to that body type.  The journey involved fueling my body with good, nutritional fuel and consistently training to develop endurance strength.  I can’t say that every day has been perfect on the food front, but on the whole, I have made great progress.

Even with injuries that prevented me from running, I feel strong today, especially when it comes to cycling. I have been monitoring my diet, which has helped to make sure I am adequately fueled, to sustain my workout schedule.  I have also lost almost 10 pounds in weight.

The one thing that really helps me stay on track, is the ‘power bowl’ salads that I have been eating.  They are so tasty and nutritious.  I am varying the ingredients, changing up the main protein and also switching between the addition of quinoa, beans or corn.  I could eat one of these ‘power bowls’ every day… and pretty much do!

I can honestly say that reading the Racing Weight book, has helped me change for the better.  These past three months, have been a real eye opener into how food intake, impacts performance.  It’s going to be very interesting to see where I am at, in another three months time.