My Nutrition Plan For The Bike At Chattanooga 70.3

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This evening, I thought I would cover another item of preparation for my upcoming race at Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga. My nutrition plan for the bike leg of the race.

Nutrition is a critical component of long course triathlon racing.  With an event of this length, it is just not possible to race well, without taking in enough nutrition during the race.  Obviously you cannot take in nutrition during the swim, and waiting to do it on the run, is too late.  The crux of any good nutrition plan, involves ‘eating’ on the bike.

My bike nutrition plan is based completely on liquids.  I use a custom fuel blend from Infinit.  I make up two bottles of fuel, that between them, have all the nutrition I need.  These bottles are in cages behind my bike seat.  I also have a bottle between my arms on my cockpit, that I fill with water.

I do also carry some chews and gels on the bike, but don’t rely on them.  They are there for backup, should I lose a bottle, and to provide some variety, in case I struggle with my liquids.

My targets in terms of calorie,  electrolyte and fluid intake are:

  • Carbohydrates =   280-300 calories per hour
  • Electrolytes = 500-550 mg per hour
  • Fluids = 16-20 ounces per hour

Both the calories and electrolytes are at the top end of the typical ranges used by triathletes.  I go higher on electrolytes, because during several previous races, I have experienced cramping on the run.  I go high on calories, because I sometimes struggle to eat enough on the run.

So that is my bike nutrition plan.  I like it because it is simple.  I just drink some fuel every fifteen minutes and follow it with water.  As long as I empty both bottles before finishing the bike, I know I have hit my plan.