My Next Race Is A Long Way Down The Track

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I am working with my coach, to plan out next year.  The plan starts with an outline of the various races, that I am planning to do.  I then need to decide, which of those races are most important to me.  These would be my so-called, ‘A Races’.

My first ‘A Race’ of next year will be Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga on May 23rd.  The race is five and half months away, which seems like such a long time.  It is a long time, but in terms of training time, it really isn’t.  I could take a few months off from training, and still be in great shape to do the race, but I will not be in as good of a shape, as I would if I continue to workout.

Having not raced long course triathlon this year, I am really excited to see how much improvement I can make, when I race next year.  I have continued to train quite hard all of this year, and I want to carry that fitness over into 2021.

I had a long run that was a little different today.  Typically my long runs are done using an easy or very easy effort.  My run today was mostly done at an easy effort pace, but it included three, six minute intervals at Tempo pace.  Tempo pace is a harder effort, but not an all out effort.  I tend to view Tempo pace as the pace I can run, where I am breathing heavily, but not gasping for air.  It’s a pace, where it’s difficult to run and talk at the same time.

I had a really good run, particularly when I consider I was coming off a weight session and a two hour ride yesterday.  I ended up running my second fastest, ten mile run of the year.  That’s another workout in the bank, as I prepare for those races that are a long way down the track.