I did my longest swim of the year this evening. I got lucky, in that the pool was not busy. This meant I was able to get my whole swim done.
One aspect of becoming a better swimmer is to simply swim more. The more I swim, the better I will get. I do also need to work on technique, but swimming more gives me endurance. Better endurance allows me to hold my swim form for longer.
As you see from the photo, I swam a total of 3,800 yards this evening. My previous longest swim this year was 3,200 yards. This session was done using a pool buoy for the whole swim. Using the pool buoy meant, that I gave my legs a rest ahead of this weekend’s long bike and run workouts. It also meant that I worked my arms and shoulders a little more.
Overall it was good session. I did tire a little bit towards the end, but not as much as I had feared going into the workout.
Even though this was a long session, I still feel like I need more volume. The problem is that swimming is not very time efficient. It takes time to drive to pool and get ready to swim. So in the end it’s a balance. I still think I need to swim more though, so I need to manage my time better, so I can get that extra work in.