My Ironman Chattanooga Race Report Will Be Published Tomorrow

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Ten days ago, I wrote a blog post about writing a race report.  At that time, I had just started writing my race report for Ironman Chattanooga.  I was intending to publish it a few days later, but it has taken much longer to write than I thought.

The draft page for my website is now finished, and I will publish it tomorrow.  It is by far the longest race report that I have ever written.  Once I started writing, I realized that so many things happened along the way to becoming an Ironman for the fourth time. I had to include everything from my day.

Also new for this report, is the use of photographs produced by the race organizers and FinisherPix.  I don’t normally buy race photographs, but so many of them from this race were very good.  Once I decided to buy them, I discovered that I could get them for free, if I purchased an Outside+ subscription.  The price of that subscription was cheaper than just buying the photographs, so I went that route to get them.  

I am looking forward to getting feedback on my race report.  Hopefully people will not find it too long, and that it contains something of value.  I guess I will find out after tomorrow.