My Cure For Cabin Fever

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Today was Day 1 of the ‘work from home’ mandate from my employer.  I could feel cabin fever building all day long and couldn’t wait to go outside and run.

I was actually supposed to swim today, but last night I made the decision, that I would forego trips to the pool until we get beyond this tragic pandemic issue.  It is a little frustrating because my swim fitness has never been better, and I was making some significant progress.  It’s beyond my control however, so no use worrying about it.

I am going to substitute this week’s swim sessions with some short easy pace runs.  This evening I went out and did a three mile run. My foot and knee appear fully recovered.  I had the second gel shot in my knee today, but my knee felt great, even before having it.  The only issue with my run was that I desperately needed the bathroom when I finished …. LOL.

The great unknown we are all facing as triathletes right now is, when are we going to race again?  It is next to impossible to predict right now and that can cause some stress.  I am convinced that IM 70.3 Chattanooga will likely get cancelled.  I will however, continue to train as if the race is still on, until I hear otherwise.  Hopefully I will get to do the other big races that I have scheduled for late summer and the fall.

It’s time to love the process of training … I am so glad that I do.



Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.