My Birthday Gift Should Make Cycling Safer

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Riding outside on public roads carries some risk, so I am always looking for ways to make my cycling safer.  It’s my birthday today and my main gift will do just that.

My wife bought me a Varia rear view radar and tail light, made by Garmin.  The radar functionality will be like having eyes in the back of my head.  The radar is linked to my bike computer and when a car is approaching from behind, I will get a visual and audible signal.  The device can indicate how many cars are approaching from behind and how fast they are approaching. 

I have several friends who have this device and they all say that it the best thing they ever bought.  They are no longer surprised by cars while out riding.  They know if a car is approaching quickly and can ride more defensively, by maybe hugging the side of the road a little closer.

The tail light is also very powerful. It can be seen from over a mile away. It also flashes as a car approaches, which further helps make the driver aware that you are there.

Obviously, I will still take the time to look over my shoulder while riding. I am not going to totally rely on the device.  It will be just another tool to help make my cycling safer.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ed Schmiech

    Happy birthday Phil!
    Great gift!
    I just bought one for myself. 🙂

  2. philjonestriathlon

    Thanks Ed… I have wanted one for a while now.

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