Musselman Bike Course Preview By Driving The Route

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Whenever I do a new race, I try my best to scout out the course, ahead of race day.  This is particularly the case, when it comes to the bike course. I drove the entire length of the Musselman bike course this afternoon.  I am very glad that I did.

Ideally, it would great to actually ride a bike around the course before race day, but for most races that is not practical. Driving a bike course is the next best thing.  I do this, so as to check on a number of things.

  • Safety is my number one reason for checking out the course ahead of time.  I am looking for situations, that could potentially lead to a crash.  It is important to look at the road surface, for potholes and other dangers.  I identify sharp corners and other places, where I will need to scrub speed.
  • I am also looking for any parts of the course, that might require more technical riding.  For example, are there any steep hills, where special attention to gearing might be needed?
  • Finally, I am looking for parts of the course where I might be able to make up some time.  Places that are likely to be either very fast or if I ride smartly, I can save time.

On my drive this afternoon, I found examples of all of the above.  There are several places where I will need to be vigilant, to avoid a crash.  On one section of road, the surface is in terrible condition and in another place, I saw a significant bump in the road, on what will likely be a fast downhill ride.

I think the Musselman bike course is going to be interesting.  Some parts will be very fast and others will be very challenging.  I am looking forward to riding it on Sunday.