Moving Forward Into The Unknown

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Saying goodbye to 2020 with my favorite photograph of the year.

A year ago, as we entered 2020, we had no idea what lay ahead.  The same was true for me, as I sat in that chair.  I had just completed the first 26 miles of my Rachel Carson Trail run; a distance that equaled the furthest I had ever run before.  Everything that was to happen after getting out of that chair, was a journey into the unknown.

It turned out to be a fantastic journey.  I ran another twenty miles to complete my through run of the trail, and became an ultra runner.

So as we enter 2021, we all continue our journey into the unknown.  I am excited about what the future will bring and hope that you are too.

Thank you, to all of you who have supported me in the past year, by taking the time to read my blog; it means a great deal to me. 

Happy New Year!!