Moving Forward In The Heat

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Well today as I finished work, I knew I had one of my coach’s “inverse brick” workouts to do; a super easy run to warm up and then a hard bike workout, on the trainer.  I felt low in energy and lacked any kind of motivation to start the workout.

I always knew I was going to do the workout, but when I feel unmotivated like this, I always seem to take forever to get ready and start.  Tonight was just like this, I kept doing little things around the house, instead of getting the workout done.  Eventually however, I got into my workout gear and went outside for the run.

I took the the run super easy, and my pace was quite slow for me. Even after adopting this approach however, the run turned out to be tough, because it was blazing hot outside.  I was glad I took a water bottle with me on the run, because I was sweating a lot.  I also downed a full glass of water as soon as I got back home.

After finishing the run, I needed to get my core temperature down, before starting on the bike.  At home, I do this by running cold water over the back of my head and neck.  This feels good when I’m very hot and it really does cool me quickly.

The really hot run, did nothing to improve my motivation for the hard bike session. Nonetheless, I did do the workout and it went really well.  I had 10 x 1 minute, high cadence, hard efforts as the main set.  Mentally, I told myself I could do anything for a minute, and got to work.  My final interval turned out to be my best one minute power effort in 2020.

So overall, a surprising evening.  It started with low motivation and low energy, and finished with a great effort on the bike.  It just goes to show that the mere act of moving forward, can pay off in the end.