Mountain Running Is My Training For The Next Ten Days

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We made our way from Denver to high in the Rocky Mountains today.  For the next ten days, we will be staying in a condo that is located at just under 10,000 feet high. Mountain running will be my training for the next ten days.

Running at this elevation is going to be tough. The lower oxygen levels will challenge my cardiovascular system, so I need to manage my expectations.  I am not going to be able to run at my normal pace, and I may have to take some walking recovery breaks.

I will be jumping in at the deep end tomorrow. I have a two hour, long run scheduled.  Hopefully it will not be too painful on my lungs.  I will be drinking lots of water on the run too; dehydration can be a real issue at high altitude.

Even though the running might be tough, at least I will have the stunning scenery to take my mind off the pain.  The mountains here are beautiful, and I cannot wait to start my mountain running.