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I published another new page on the website today.  This new page, is a list of the race results from all of my triathlon races, my marathons and half marathons.

I had fun going back and looking up these results.  The process brought back some very good memories and a few painful ones.  I guess, that is why I decided to share this information.  I have had some great races, but also a few bad ones, and I think it’s important that we acknowledge them all.

We all place so much emphasis on races, and when they go well, there is no better feeling.  When a race disappoints however, we can also have a tendency to feel really bad… like we wasted an opportunity.  The reality is, we all have bad races…. everyone! 

My coach has a great way to put a bad race into perspective.  He always asks me if I am retiring from racing, and of course I say “no”?  He then reminds me that triathlon is a process and it’s time to look forward and focus on building for the next race.  This is not easy to do, but it is true.

I hope you enjoy looking through my results.  If you have any questions about any of them, don’t hesitate to reach out.