More Race Preparation Workouts Getting Ready For Saturday

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With all of my recent niggles and ailments, I have struggled to train effectively for the past month or two.  That said, I am doing my best to get ready for my race on Saturday.  I don’t think I am fully ‘race sharp’ yet, but with a couple of race preparation workouts completed today, I am getting closer.

I worked out twice this evening.  My first session was another short swim in the cold lake at Moraine State Park.  As you can see in the photo, I tried swimming without my wetsuit again.  I swam quite well, but again I got quite cold. 

The lake where we will do the race, is reported to be very cold so far this year.  Based on my swim today, and the reported water temperature from Edinboro (mid 60’s F), I have made the decision to swim in my wetsuit on Saturday.  This will result in a slower transition, but I don’t want to be freezing at the start of the bike leg.

Just before dinner, I also did a short run.  It was mostly a Zone 2 run, but towards the end, I threw in a few short intervals at a much faster pace.  These intervals got my legs moving at an effort, closer to what I expect to use on Saturday.  It always feels good to get legs turning over and tonight was no different.  My breathing was a little challenged during these fast bursts, but even that is getting better by the day.

So just a couple more days of race preparation and it will be time to go.  I think I am going to feel good, when Saturday rolls around.