More Freedom On My Long Runs

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I have to admit that I have been getting a little frustrated on my long runs lately.  As a result of the pandemic, it is very hard to find sources of water.  Every water fountain that I know of, has been shut off, and so have the one or two other locations I typically use to refill my water bottle.  I understand why, but it has changed the way I do my long runs.

My hand held water bottle doesn’t hold much liquid, so to stay successfully hydrated on my long runs, I have been looping back to my car to top up on water, about every 45 minutes.  This works quite well, but it means I am running the same five or six miles, over and over again.

That is why I plunked down a decent amount of money on this running vest.  I wanted a vest that was super light, comfortable, and that had lots of options for carrying nutrition and fluids.  As I typically do, I spent way too long over analyzing all the various options. I ended up going with this Ultimate Direction Ultra Vest.  It has great reviews, and I figured that if it was comfortable enough for people on ultra runs, then it would be comfortable enough for me on my long runs.

I have a two hour run coming up on Sunday, so I will get to try it out this weekend.  I have never run with any kind of vest or backpack before, so it should be quite an interesting experience.  This vest has lots of pockets, so maybe I will sneak in a treat to eat along the way… those gels and chews, that I typically use, can get quite monotonous.  Any suggestions on what to take with me?