Mobility Improvement Program – Day 2

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Well I made it to Day 2 of my mobility project and I am discovering that I am not very flexible.  Today’s mobility ‘workout’ is detailed below;  those leg flexions were a real challenge:

  • Single Leg Flexion With External Rotation – This is targeted at mobilizing my hips and glutes.  Holding my foot in place on a box, I rotate in various directions which results in stretching my glutes and rotating my hips (this is the exercise I am doing in today’s photo).
  • Calf Smash Mobilization – This is intended to loosen up the calf muscles. This exercise is quite widely known and essentially involves aggressive foam rolling of the calf muscles.
  • Ankle Voodoo – More work on ankle flexibility.  Using a Voodoo Floss Band, I wrapped my ankle with a reasonably high tension, and then forced the ankle through a full range of motion.  

To get to the degree of flexibility and mobilization that I want to achieve, is clearly going to take a lot of work.  I am preparing myself mentally for the long journey ahead, but for now it is one day at a time.

I am also back into structured workouts from my coach.  Today was one of his classic ‘reverse brick’ sessions.  I had an easy 25 minute run followed by 70 minutes on the bike, with 50 minutes at high zone 2 power.  My legs were a little tired on the bike; clearly a ‘hangover’ from my hard run on Sunday.  It is important to realize that one hard workout can impact other workouts for a day or two.


Note :  The mobilization techniques I am doing are are all detailed in Kelly Starrett’s “Becoming a Supple Leopard” book.  It’s an excellent book and highly recommended.