Making Smart Choices

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If you have followed my blog for the past couple of days, you will know that I had a very busy weekend.  It was also a long weekend, that didn’t end, until I crawled into bed at 3.30am this morning, after a long drive back to Pittsburgh.

It was a ‘no brainer’, to chose to do my easy, 30minute run, this evening. When it came time to run however, I had a choice.  Do I run outside or should I run on the treadmill?  

I am not a fan of running on the treadmill, when the option of running outside exists.  To me, there is no comparison.  Running outside is so much better, and of course, races are run outside (except for the ‘virtual’ races during this pandemic). 

Outside was hot and humid however, so even though I prefer outside running, tonight I made the smart decision to run inside.  My body needed as little stress on it as possible, after the hard weekend.  Running outside in the heat and humidity, would have been much more stressful on my body, than the indoor run on the treadmill that I actually ended up doing.

The treadmill run went much better than I expected.  After starting slowly, I was able to pick up the pace slightly and finish strong.  I definitely made a smart choice.  There was no reason to do anything other than recover on my run. I’m now in a much better position for the rest of the week, which is going to be a huge one….