Making A Few Changes To My Blog For 2023

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On New Year’s Day, I decided to go for a run in the woods.  A nice aerobic trail run, is great for clearing the mind and for making solid decisions. I thought a lot about how I spend my time during that run, and as a result, I am making a few changes to my blog.

I have written a blog post on pretty much a daily basis, for over three years now.  When I set out to write a blog, I did so with the intention of sharing my endurance sports journey, in the hope it inspired others to lead active lifestyles.  I wanted to not only share details of my training, but also write blogs to educate about various aspects of triathlon and other endurance sports.

Three years later, I think it is time for a slight change.  Moving forward, I am going to limit this blog to documenting my own endurance sports journey.  I’ll continue to share my training (warts and all), race reports and maybe one or two things about my life in general.  In addition, I am going to change from writing a daily blog, to writing a longer, weekly blog.  My thinking is that writing a summary of my training week, will provide more insight than a quick daily update.

For education about endurance sports, I am going to move writing about that kind of information, to my coaching website,  My thinking here is that by attracting people searching for information about triathlon and other endurance sports to my coaching website, I may be able to attract a few more athletes to coach.  I still have open slots for coaching, and this might be a way to fill them.

Let me know what you think about the proposed changes to my blog.  I always enjoy the feedback.