Losing Count In The Pool

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The main set during my swim workout this evening consisted of a series of 50 yard intervals followed some 200 yard intervals.  There were not a lot of high intensity, fast intervals included in the swim, so that allowed me to spend a lot of time, focusing on my form and technique.

Towards the end, when doing one of my 200 yard intervals, I was so focused on my technique, I didn’t actually swim 200 yards… I stopped that interval at 150 yards!

It is not very often that I lose count of laps or distance in the pool.  I have a Garmin watch that tracks distance and that usually keep me straight.  I actually think it was a good thing that I mis-counted this evening.  It tells me that I was focussing more on swimming well, than I was on counting laps.

Swimming is such a technique driven sport, that there is always something to focus on while swimming.  In fact, my biggest challenge is to keep focused, on only one aspect of the stroke at a time.  There are just so many things you can think about.  Early vertical forearm and high elbows during the catch.  Pushing water back and finishing the stroke.  Balance in the water.  Keeping your butt and legs high.  Not over turning your head when breathing. Breathing correctly. Reaching forward from the hips as your arm enters the water. The list goes on and on.

All in all, I had a great swim tonight.  I was alone in the pool for most of it.  I focused well on my form and even if I did swim 50 yards less than was planned, it was still a very successful session.