Looking To Learn About Something New This Evening

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I like to learn about new things.  Thanks to REI, I will be learning about something new this evening… snowshoeing.  I will be joining their webinar on “Snowshoeing Basics”.

Snowshoeing is not something I have thought much about. That was until we visited the flagship REI store in Denver, during our recent vacation to Colorado.  There was a huge display of snowshoes in the store.  I never knew there were so many different types of snowshoe.  I guess I will learn about them tonight.

 I have been looking for other forms of outdoor exercise that I can try.  I am not sure if there will be enough snow in Pittsburgh for this activity.  I might have to visit the Laurel Highlands to find some suitable snow.  This assumes of course, that snowshoeing is something new, that I end up doing.  I think it might be a good alternative to skiing and a little less risky.

Have any of you done snowshoeing before?