Longing For My Next Race

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The photo for today’s blog post, is a picture of me running off the Walnut Street pedestrian bridge, during the 2019 Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga race.  I was half way through the run and extremely hot.

I have been thinking about my next race all day today.  I feel like I am in a really good place with my training and so am starting to itch for a race.  My next scheduled race, is this year’s Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga race. It is due to take place in fourteen weeks time, on May 23rd.

The problem is, I still have no idea if the race will actually happen and that was my issue today.  I started playing the ‘what if’ game. What if the race gets cancelled?  What if it goes ahead, but with a reduced number of athletes, and I don’t get a slot.

I then started to go through all kinds of alternate plans.  Are there other races in May that I can do?  What if my next 70.3 race in July doesn’t happen?  I started to spiral.

Then I came back to something I always tell others… only worry about what you can actually control.  I can’t control if the race happens, but I can control my training.  I can focus on training and not worry about anything, until the decision is made about the race.  I also decided that if the race does get cancelled, I will probably try a small challenge on my own.  Maybe a super long swim or something like that.

A super long open water swim kind of scares me… that means I will probably end up doing one !