As I mentioned in last week’s blog, my wife and I were in Denver last week. We were on a house hunting trip, ahead of relocating to Colorado. In addition to the excitement of looking for a new home, I was also looking forward to some great runs in the ‘Mile High’ city. As it turned out however, life threw me a curve ball that impacted my ability to train.
After a really nice long run on Tuesday, I managed to get in a quick run on the treadmill on Wednesday. I ran inside because it was snowing and very cold outside. The weather was forecast to be better the next day, so I planned to go outside again. Thursday morning however, I woke up with severe congestion. My nose was blocked and I could feel that my chest was tight. I chose to not run that day, and unfortunately, I stayed sick for the rest of my time in Denver.
A week later, I am still not fully recovered, so as you can see from the snapshot of my TrainingPeaks calendar above, I have worked out in a week. Fortunately, my sickness is not Covid; it’s just a good old fashioned cold.

Phew !! … Relieved I Didn’t Have Covid
It is just a reality that sometimes, life impacts your ability train. When this happens, it is often tempting to ‘push through’. I strongly recommend that we think very carefully about doing this. If my congestion had only been in my nose, I might have carried on, but when my chest is impacted, I always shut it down.
It is extremely frustrating not being able to work out right now. I have done very few workouts in almost three weeks, so I know my fitness is being impacted. I also know that it is not realistic for me to have a heavy training load right now. Moving to a different state is very stressful and very time consuming. My only goal is to train when I can, get the move over with and then plan the rest of my year.
This clearly a case of short term ‘pain’ for a long term gain. In a few months time, I will hopefully be settled in a new home in Colorado and will be able take advantage of the amazing opportunities for training there.
So glad you listened to your body. Be watching for the next update. Love and kisses.