Learning From The Pros

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This evening I joined a web conference call hosted by the local Triathlon Club.  It was a question and answer session, with two former professional triathletes from the Pittsburgh area. What a fun call!

Both athletes described how they became professional triathletes. One of them got their pro card at age 40, which was fascinating.  She explained how she qualified to be a professional triathlete and how she managed to fit that into her ‘normal’ life.

We got to hear about the financial realities of the sports (don’t do it, if you want to make money!!); the importance of embracing the process; about managing expectations and how it’s a constant learning curve.

Both athletes are now coaches, and we heard about how they translated what they learned from their own coaches, into the coaching philosophy they each have today.  They talked us through the approach they are taking with their athletes, who are having to deal with cancelled races.  There were lots of familiar issues and feelings, we are all dealing with.

All in all it was a great call.  I am so fortunate to have a local Triathlon Club, with a leadership team that is willing to arrange these events.