After a nine hour drive, we have arrived home from Chattanooga. The bags are unloaded from the car and ready to be unpacked. Those nine hours in the car, gave me a good amount of time to think. I was able reflect on my first ever ‘Did Not Finish’. My initial post race thoughts are outlined below.
I think the most significant thing from the weekend, is how satisfied I am with myself. Choosing to stop in the middle of the race, is big thing for me. I am not, by nature, a quitter. Making the choice to sacrifice this race, so that I do not suffer a set back for my next race, is a very smart decision. If you had asked me before the race on Sunday, if I would quit during the race, I would have said ‘no way’. I actually did quit and I am proud of it.
I am also quite pleased with my performance in the parts of the race that I did complete. Even with difficulty breathing, I had a fairly good swim for me. Also, my time on the bike, was close to my time from the race a couple of years ago. This tells me my base fitness is high and I am making progress in the sport.
The final big thought about the weekend, was about my ‘limiters’. What is limiting me from achieving my ultimate potential? I have concluded it is not swimming, biking or running. It is my general health. I need to get control over my acid reflux once and for all. Figuring out a diet, that doesn’t give me gout flare ups, is important too. I also need to work more on looking after my body and reducing the number of niggles and injuries I have.
I still need to refine these post race thoughts, but for now, I think my analysis is sound and gives me a focus moving forward.